Flipping through this issue, a few things become apparant right away: the artist really enjoys drawing very voluptuoous women (and does a good job of it), but most of the issue suffers for weak drawing of incidental characters and poor use of space within each panel, and a dark-brownish cast to all of the colors. I don't know what it is about computer colors, but when they tranlate from the screen to the printed page, the result is dark and muddy. Anyway, let's look at what's working in this issue: good use of action and variety of viewpoints (that is, from close ups to long shots); many of the layouts and the writing are very good, it's just that the artwork team of Terry Dodson and Al Vey really shines when the subject matter is closeups of voluptuous women. Imagine famed pinup illustrator Vargas drawing superheroes.
The story is interesting right from the first page, where we learn that Mantra (pictured above, on the right) gets her powers from her mask